Knowledge Base

Health and Safety Policy

In this page you will learn about the Health and Safety Policy we at Nexus Cellular follow

Nexus Cellular Health and Safety Policy

The employer and senior management of Nexus Distribution Inc. are vitally interested in the health and safety of its workers. Protection of workers from injury or occupational hazards is a major continuing objective. Nexus Distribution Inc. will make every effort to provide a safe and healthy work environment to all its workers. The management is committed to eliminating hazards and reducing Organizational Health & Safety risks and injuries.  The company will actively comply with all Federal and Provincial Health and Safety regulations.

The Coronavirus Pandemic has endangered our health and we at Nexus Distribution Inc. take it very seriously.  We will do whatever we can to protect you and your co-workers, customers, and visitors in this premises.  Please adhere to the social distance, PPE usage, and cleanliness guidelines in order to protect us all.  We thank you for your dedication in these trying times.

Nexus Distribution Inc. as an employer is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety. As president of Nexus Distribution Inc., I give you my personal commitment that I will comply with my duties under the Act, such as taking every reasonable precaution for the protection of workers in the workplace.

Supervisors will be held accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Supervisors are subject to various duties in the workplace, including the duty to ensure that machinery and equipment are safe and that workers work in compliance with established safe workplace practices and procedures. The prevention of injury and accidents is viewed as an integral and significant part of the responsibility of each member of the supervisory staff.

Every worker must protect his or her own health and safety by working in compliance with the law and with safe work practices and procedures established by the employer. Workers will receive information, training, and competent supervision in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety.

It is in the best interest of all parties to consider health and safety in every activity. Commitment to health and safety is an integral part of this organization, from the president to the workers. Further, the management is committed to working together with workers and workers representatives to ensure continual improvement of the OH&S management system.

All incidents related to workplace Health & Safety, must be immediately reported (after the proper medical attention is given, if applicable) to the Health & Safety supervisor/ and Operations Manager by completing the Workplace Incident Report Form, located in the shared “Health & Safety” folder.

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